How to find the product I'm looking for ?

On, you have several search tools :


The quick search bar

Simply enter the product you are looking for and then click on the small magnifying glass or the "Enter" key on your keyboard.

Search by category

Under "Products" you will find all our categories. Move your cursor over the green tabs to display a detailed list of each major product category. Then click on the category that matches your search.

Next to the logo is the menu.

Click on the three horizontal bars to reveal a detailed list of each major product category. Then click on the category that matches your search.


Search by Needs

Next to "Products" is the "My need" category.
By clicking on "My Need", all the categories by need are presented to you (for example: stress management, sleep, digestive system, defenses, circulation, mobility, slimming, ...). Click on your need to refine your search.


Refine your search

The filters located in the grey box allow you to refine your search with just one click. Ex: filter by brand, by organic label only, packaging, ...

Once you have applied your desired filters, you can sort your search by "most popular items", "name A-Z" or vice versa, or by "ascending price" or "descending price".


Search for items on sale or clearance

You can easily find our products on sale by clicking on the " % Promos " link just above the categories.


Search by brand

You can view our complete list of brands by clicking on the "Brands" link located above the navigation bar of our categories.

You can view a complete list of our brands by clicking on the "Brands" link located in the menu.