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Small grain mandarin
Small grain mandarin
5 mlPranarĂ´m
Natural essential oil obtained by distillation of leaves Petit Grain Mandarin (Citrus reticulata).
PranarĂ´mOn stock
Small grain clementine
Small grain clementine
10 ml BIOBioflore
Neurotonic, the essential oil of small grain clementine Bioflore promotes relaxation, helps to release negative feelings, resentments, regrets and recover from shock.
BiofloreOn stock
Small grain bigarade (Citrus aurantium)
Small grain bigarade (Citrus aurantium)
10 ml BIOBioflore
The bitter orange, or small grain bigarade, helps to resist stress, fatigue and insomnia, but also coughs and nervous muscle spasms.
BiofloreOn stock
Small grain bigarade (Citrus aurantium)
Small grain bigarade (Citrus aurantium)
30 ml BIOBioflore
The bitter orange, or small grain bigarade, helps to resist stress, fatigue and insomnia, but also coughs and nervous muscle spasms.
BiofloreOn stock
Bars sprouted grains: Almond - Chocolate
Bars sprouted grains: Almond - Chocolate
39 g BIOGerm'line
A chocolate snacks, both delicious and balanced, rich in vitamins and trace elements.
Germ'lineComing on stock
Orgé - Infusion
Orgé - Infusion
200 g BIOYoann Gouéry Graines de Breton
Cette boisson à base de Malt torréfié peut être consommé à tout moment de la journée puisqu'elle ne contient pas de caféine.
Sobacha100 g BIO
100 g BIOYoann Gouéry Graines de Breton
Le Sobacha est une infusion de graines de sarrasin torréfiées au arômes subtiles de noisettes et de châtaignes.
Kofé - Petit Epautre
Kofé - Petit Epautre
200 g BIOYoann Gouéry Graines de Breton
Excellente alternative au café, le Kofé est une boisson à base de petit épeautre torréfié et cultivé en Bretagne.
Orgé - Expresso
Orgé - Expresso
200 g BIOYoann Gouéry Graines de Breton
Cette boissson au gout originalde céréales et de noisettes grillées se consomme à tout moment de la journée puisqu'elle est dépourvue de caféine.
Small grain bitter orange (Citrus aurantium)
Small grain bitter orange (Citrus aurantium)
10 mlPranarĂ´m
The bigaradier, or small grain bitter orange, assistance to resist the stress, tiredness and insomnia, but also cough and the nervous muscular spasms.
PranarĂ´mOn stock
Small grain bitter orange Bio (Citrus aurantium)
Small grain bitter orange Bio (Citrus aurantium)
10 ml BIOPranarĂ´m
The bigaradier, or small grain bitter orange, assistance to resist the stress, tiredness and insomnia, but also cough and the nervous muscular spasms.
PranarĂ´mOn stock
Masque en Tissus Raffermissant
Masque en Tissus Raffermissant
Vous souhaitez une peau lisse, un grain affiné et une hydratation intense? Ce masque est fait pour vous.
LaveraOn stock
Savon Ă  froid le Saint- Bernard
Savon Ă  froid le Saint- Bernard
100 g BIOClémence et Vivien
Savon Ă  Froid Surgras et nourrissant Ă  la douce odeur de Petit Grain et d'Orange.
Aleppo black soap with Eucalyptus
Aleppo black soap with Eucalyptus
180 gNajel
Hammam ritual unavoidable, the soap paste is a grain-free scrub, moisturizer and cleanser.
NajelOn stock
Haricot nain Big BorlottoLimited stock
Haricot nain Big Borlotto
50 g BIOLa Belle Potagère
Pas de place au potager ? Optez pour les haricots nains borlotti non rampants.
Radis Nois gros rond d'hiver
Radis Nois gros rond d'hiver
4 g BIOLa Belle Potagère
Facile à cultiver en automne, le radis noir est de forme ronde et possède une chair ferme et parfumée.
Seeds germinate - Oatmeal
Seeds germinate - Oatmeal
200 g BIOGerm'line
Oats are a cereal sweet flavor consumed by northern European peoples. Find all the sweetness of oats in these seeds to germinate Germline.
Germ'lineVictim of his own success
Seeds germinate - Spelt
Seeds germinate - Spelt
200 g BIOGerm'line
The seeds germinated spelled Germline have a sweet mild flavor and a more subtle taste than wheat.
Germ'lineComing on stock
Seville orange (Citrus aurantium ssp aurabtium)
Seville orange (Citrus aurantium ssp aurabtium)
10 ml BIOHerbes et Traditions
Healing and purifying, essential oil of Seville orange is about acne, excess sebum and greasy hair.
Seeds germinate - Protein Mix
Seeds germinate - Protein Mix
200 g BIOGerm'line
Mix of sprouting seeds of chickpeas, lentils and fenugreek, Protein Mix Germline is a tasty source of vegetable protein.
Germ'lineOn stock
Aromanoctis - Spray sleep
Aromanoctis - Spray sleep
150 ml BIOPranarĂ´m
Essential oils of Aromanoctis Spray vaporize in the air or on the textiles to support relieving and to prepare with a peaceful sleep.
PranarĂ´mComing on stock
Sprouts, a lively burst of energy
Sprouts, a lively burst of energy
Learn about sprouting with this little book in which Catherine Oudot gives you tips and recipes to enjoy the benefits of sprouts.
Germ'lineOn stock
Additional Floor for floor Germoir
Additional Floor for floor Germoir
This tray lets you add another layer to your hotbed storey Germline.
Germ'lineOn stock
Aromas of Serenity
Aromas of Serenity
15 ml BIOBioflore
Arômes de Sérénité is a synergy of organic essential oils to strengthen your nerves against daily stress.
BiofloreOn stock
Orange tree bitter orange - bitter orange tree (Citr. Aur.)
10 mlPranarĂ´m
Antispasmodic and releasing, this essential oil also relieves the ignitions
PranarĂ´mOn stock
Oats - fresh organic plant extract
Oats - fresh organic plant extract
50 ml BIOLadrĂ´me
This dietary supplement LadrĂ´me based organic oat extracts helps to detoxify the body.
LadrĂ´meOn stock
Synergy “Citrus”
Synergy “Citrus”
30 ml BIOPranarĂ´m
The mixture of oils essential to diffuse 'Citrus' offers a subtle and tonic lemon-flavoured fragrance, source D Â’ energy and wellness.
PranarĂ´mOn stock
PranaBB - Mixture for diffuser "Sleep"
PranaBB - Mixture for diffuser "Sleep"
10 ml BIOPranarĂ´m
This mixture of essential oils calms and soothes baby, for a good night of sleep.
PranarĂ´mOn stock
Elixir Allergolys
Elixir Allergolys
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
Allergolys combines calming and anti-allergenic plants and buds to bring you comfort and respite.
HerbiolysOn stock
Lilac (syringa vulgaris) - fresh buds
Lilac (syringa vulgaris) - fresh buds
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
The organic bud extract of non-frozen Lilac is macerated in France at the picking locations.
HerbiolysOn stock
Almond tree (prunus amygdalus) - fresh buds
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
Organic non-frozen almond blossom extract is macerated in France at the picking sites.
HerbiolysOn stock
Virginia creeper (ampelopsis weitchi) - fresh buds
Virginia creeper (ampelopsis weitchi) - fresh buds
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
The extract of organic buds of non-frozen Virginia creeper is macerated in France at the gathering places.
HerbiolysOn stock
Gui (viscum album) - fresh buds
Gui (viscum album) - fresh buds
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
The extract of organic buds of non-frozen Gui is macerated in France on the picking places.
HerbiolysOn stock
Sea buckthorn (hippophae rhamnoides) - fresh buds
Sea buckthorn (hippophae rhamnoides) - fresh buds
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
The extract of organic buds of non-frozen sea buckthorn is macerated in France at the gathering places.
HerbiolysOn stock
Gingko biloba (ginkgo biloba) - fresh buds
Gingko biloba (ginkgo biloba) - fresh buds
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
Organic bud extract of non frozen Gingko biloba is macerated in France on the picking grounds.
HerbiolysOn stock

1-35 de 93 correspond to your search

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