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Happy plants
Happy plants
partEditions Leduc.s.
In this illustrated book, we will explain which plant to consume depending on the situation and / or the time of day.
Plantain - fresh organic plant extract
Plantain - fresh organic plant extract
100 ml BIOLadrôme
Ribwort Plantain is a plant traditionally used to soothe the respiratory tract.
LadrômeOn stock
Black radish - fresh organic plant extract
Black radish - fresh organic plant extract
50 ml BIOLadrôme
This dietary supplement is a hydro-alcoholic extract from fresh horseradish.
LadrômeOn stock
Lycope50 ml BIO
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
La teinture mère de Lycope est connue pour diminuer l'activité thyroïdienne et le développement des nodules thyroïdiens.
HerbiolysOn stock
Pin Sylvestre50 ml BIO
Pin Sylvestre
Pin Sylvestre
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
La teinture mère de Piin sylvestre vous aidera à booster votre immunité face aux agressions extérieures en stimulant votre organisme.
HerbiolysOn stock
Artichoke - Fresh organic plant extract
Artichoke - Fresh organic plant extract
50 ml BIOLadrôme
Used as a dietary supplement, artichoke promotes good digestion and contributes to intestinal comfort.
LadrômeOn stock
Hops - fresh plant extract
Hops - fresh plant extract
50 ml BIOLadrôme
This dietary supplement Ladrôme based hop extracts organic reduces symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes.
LadrômeOn stock
Plant proteins of Soya
Plant proteins of Soya
400 g BIOPurasana
This powder of soya is ideal when your requirements out of proteins are increased. It is appropriate perfectly to the sportsmen but also to the elderly people.
PurasanaOn stock
Agripaume50 ml BIO
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
L'Agripaume est une teinture mère reconnue pour ses propriétés apaisante sur le système nerveux ainsi que sur les troubles cardiaques.
HerbiolysOn stock
Petite Pervenche
Petite Pervenche
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
Amie du système cérébrale, la teinture mère de Petite Pervenche diminue les torubles de la mémoire et améliore la circulation cérébrale.
HerbiolysOn stock
Hawthorn - fresh organic plant extract
Hawthorn - fresh organic plant extract
100 ml BIOLadrôme
Hawthorn is an herb that promotes good circulation and helps to relax and calm down.
LadrômeOn stock
Goldenrod - fresh organic plant extract
Goldenrod - fresh organic plant extract
50 ml BIOLadrôme
Goldenrod is a plant that contributes to the comfort of the urinary system.
LadrômeOn stock
Pea plant proteins
Pea plant proteins
400 g BIOPurasana
The pea protein isolate has a strong content of proteins. This protein powder gives assistance to fight the muscular loss.
PurasanaOn stock
Armoise Commune
Armoise Commune
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
Les propriétés de l'Armoise Commune font d'elle la teinture des femmes. Agissant sur les troubles menstuels, son action est aussi digestive et vermifuge.
HerbiolysOn stock
Gentian - fresh plant extract
Gentian - fresh plant extract
50 ml BIOLadrôme
This food supplement brings you all the benefits of Organic Gentian.
LadrômeOn stock
Bourse à Pasteur
Bourse à Pasteur
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
Idéal lors de règles abondantes et douleureuses, la teinture mère de Bourse à Pasteur agit spécifiquement sur les hémorragies utérines.
HerbiolysOn stock
Cat's Claw - fresh plant extract
Cat's Claw - fresh plant extract
50 mlLadrôme
Extract from Cool Cat's Claw plant.
LadrômeOn stock
Stinging nettle - fresh plant extract
Stinging nettle - fresh plant extract
50 ml BIOLadrôme
The Nettle helps take care of elimination functions of the body and urinary tract.
LadrômeOn stock
Epilobe à petites fleurs
Epilobe à petites fleurs
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
L'Epilobe est une teinture mère connue pour son action décongestionnante sur la prostate.
HerbiolysOn stock
Celandine - fresh plant extract
Celandine - fresh plant extract
50 ml BIOLadrôme
The celandine is a herb that promotes digestion and helps maintain the proper functioning of the liver.
LadrômeOn stock
Saule Blanc50 ml BIO
Saule Blanc
Saule Blanc
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
Connue pour son acide salicylique, la teinture mère de Saule Blanc soulage les douleurs.
HerbiolysOn stock
Yarrow - fresh organic plant extract
Yarrow - fresh organic plant extract
100 ml BIOLadrôme
The Yarrow is an herb that promotes women's comfort. It also helps to maintain normal circulation.
LadrômeOn stock
Passiflore50 ml BIO
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
Connue pour soulager l'anxiété, la nervosité et le stress, la teinture mère de passiflore est aussi utilisée pour soulager les troubles du sommeil.
HerbiolysOn stock
Herbe aux Chantres
Herbe aux Chantres
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
La teinture mère d'Herbes aux Chantres est connue pour son action apaisante des cordes vocales. Idéale lors de toux, d'enrouement ou d'extinction de voix.
HerbiolysOn stock
Devil' s claw (Harpagophytum) - fresh plant extract
Devil' s claw (Harpagophytum) - fresh plant extract
50 ml BIOLadrôme
The root of Harpagophytum (Devil's Claw) is used to promote joint flexibility.
LadrômeOn stock
Plantain - fresh organic plant extract
Plantain - fresh organic plant extract
50 ml BIOLadrôme
Ribwort Plantain is traditionally used to soothe the respiratory tract.
LadrômeComing on stock
Oats - fresh organic plant extract
Oats - fresh organic plant extract
100 ml BIOLadrôme
The fresh plant extract Oat Organic is used as a dietary supplement.
LadrômeComing on stock
Coriandre Feuille
Coriandre Feuille
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
La teinture mère de Coriandre Feuille est connue pour désintoxiquer l'organisme des métaux lourds.
HerbiolysOn stock
Marrube Blanc50 ml BIO
Marrube Blanc
Marrube Blanc
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
Connue pour son action fluidifiante des sécrétions bronchique, la teinture mère de Marrube Blanc facilite également la digestion.
HerbiolysOn stock
Ortie Piquante
Ortie Piquante
50 ml BIOHerbiolys
La teinture mère d' Ortie Piquante est un anti-fatigue efficace. Elle lutte également contre la déminéralisation de l'organisme.
HerbiolysOn stock
Horse Chestnut - fresh plant extract
Horse Chestnut - fresh plant extract
100 ml BIOLadrôme
The extract of Horse Chestnut organic is traditionally used to help support the circulation in case of feeling of heavy and tired legs.
LadrômeOn stock
Goldenrod - fresh organic plant extract
Goldenrod - fresh organic plant extract
100 ml BIOLadrôme
Organic Ladrôme of Goldenrod is a plant that contributes to the comfort of the urinary system.
LadrômeOn stock
Thistle (fresh plant extract)
Thistle (fresh plant extract)
50 ml BIOLadrôme
The Milk Thistle (fresh plant extract) Ladrôme promotes digestion and helps maintain the proper functioning of the liver.
LadrômeOn stock
Plant proteins of Chanve
Plant proteins of Chanve
400 g BIOPurasana
This raw meal is rich in proteins, amino-acids, phytonutriments and omega 3. It is appropriate for all those which want to increase their protein consumption, and more particula...
PurasanaOn stock
Verbena - fresh organic plant extract
Verbena - fresh organic plant extract
50 ml BIOLadrôme
This dietary supplement Ladrôme consists of a hydro-alcoholic extract of fresh plant Verbena.
LadrômeOn stock

1-35 de 192 correspond to your search

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