Sequoia - alcohol-free bud BIO, 30 ml

from Herbiolys
(On stock)
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A male bud, alcohol-free redwood acts on libido, lower tone and prostate disorders.

Sequoia bud, the ally of mature men

This oral solution is made with fresh sequoia buds, using an elaborate technique to make gemmotherapy accessible to adults and children who cannot consume alcohol.

Alcohol-free sequoia bud is a remedy known to act on the effects of aging. It is rather recommended to act on the decrease in tone, libido, prostate disorders and bone fragility that can develop in middle-aged men.


The fresh organic buds are macerated directly at the place of harvest, in a mixture of water, organic alcohol and vegetable glycerin.
The alcohol is then evaporated at low temperature, allowing all the properties of the buds to be retained.


Take 9 drops of sequoia bud morning and evening, to be diluted in slightly mineralized water.
To be taken as a 3-week cure, away from meals.


Energized solution.
Ingredients for 18 drops: young shoots of fresh organic sequoia leaves (Sequoiadendron giganteum / sequoia gigantea) 43 mg, additives: organic vegetable glycerin, slightly mineralized spring water.

Special precautions

Always seek the advice of your doctor, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.


30 ml dropper bottle.

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Comment (2) -
Comments from others countries
Sequoia - alcohol-free bud
> 65 years Gender
4 5

On me demande un avis sur à peine 2 semaines alors qu'il semble avoir besoin de nombreuses semaines (2-3 mois selon le pharmacien) pour voir les résultats. Je ne peux pas donner mon avis. Je reste très confiante d'où les 4 étoiles. Mais... je n'en sais pas plus pour l'instant !
Sequoia - alcohol-free bud
55-65 years Gender
5 5

J’aime ce produit sans alcool par contre je n’ai pas encore pu comparer la différence d’efficacité
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