Method of use Method of use

Mode of use :
  • Adults: 5 -10 drops daily, apart from meals, pure or diluted in spring water.
  • For children up to 13 years: 3 to 8 drops a day, depending on the problem. Start with 3 drops and increase by one drop each day until you get a stable result
  • For babies: 1 to 3 drops in the bottle or via the mother who is breastfeeding.

Duration :
In cure 3 consecutive weeks and a week off, to be done for 3 months maximum. Then one week a month.
For Sinugem, stop the complex as soon as you recover.

Herbalgem products are concentrated, 50 ml corresponds to a cure of 70 days (taken of 10 drops per day).

Practical information :

ATTENTION 5 drops of macerated mother or complex correspond to 50 drops of bud macerate glycerine 1DH usually used in France.

In addition, the French pharmacopoeia does not respect the principles established by Pol Henry (founder of gemmotherapy, extraction of the active principles of the bud in a water-alcohol-glycerin mixture): the extraction is done only on alcohol and glycerine (This does not allow the extraction of active ingredients only soluble in water). The preparation is then diluted in water to obtain a 1DH solution.

This site contains a large amount of information. This is not a medical site. The reflexions dispensed, can in no case substitute for a consultation with a doctor or a therapist it is your responsibility to contact for your follow-up.