Meadowsweet - flowers BIO, 30 g

from Be-Life
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Meadow flowers help with articulatory problems.

Organic Meadowsweet Dried Flowers

Herbaceous melliferous plant with small white flowers, the Meadowsweet is used in herbal medicine for its antirheumatic virtues as well as to activate the natural elimination of the body.

The Meadowsweet contains salicylic acid and is used to make the famous molecule "aspirin".
(Source: " My Bible of phytotherapy ", S. Lacoste, Editions Leduc.S, 647 pages).


Be-Life commitments for the Aromaflor range : "Our organic plants are carefully selected and meet strict quality criteria for their harvest and drying, giving them an unparalleled aroma and optimal activity."


  • Infusion : Infuse 3 to 5 g of Meadowsweet flowers in 1/2 liter of water for about 10 minutes.
  • Maceration (external use): put 5 to 8 g of plants in 1/2 liter of water and keep boiling for 15 minutes. Let stand for 4 to 5 hours in the same water and filter.



100% organic dried meadow flowers (Filipendula ulmaria).
Neither gassed nor irradiated nor refrigerated.
Origin: France.


Bag of 30 g.
100% vegetal packaging, unique and breathable which allows to preserve the best the flavor and the quality of the plants, while respecting the environment.
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