SynerFluide fluidizersGypsum BIO, 50 ml

from Bioflore
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The SynerFluide fluidizersGypsum exerts its action on rosacea, spider veins and swelling.

Brings strength and tone your skin


The SynerFluide fluidizersGypsum exerts its action on the skin that reveals a laziness of venous and lymphatic systems.
This state is shown by spider veins more or less pronounced, rosacea, swelling.
These signs usually indicate that the bodies responsible for disposal - liver and kidneys in mind - are not sufficient to the task.
In a light and soothing base rosehip and hazelnut, vegetable oil Calophylle brings its blood flow regenerative virtues.
HE patchouli, cedar of the Atlas, of mastic, lemon and Helichrysum bring their decongestant and stimulant Blood and lymphatic flow.
Echoing the whole body, the same force HE carry a message and tone to the excretory organs for the benefit of such essential functions as the elimination and immunity.


On all parts of the body where the skin reveals fragility.
Movements in one direction, from the periphery to the heart, are recommended.
On the face, in light touches and taking care to enter, in case of spider veins, rosacea, swelling, bags under the eyes (more moderate doses in the latter case).
Before applying to the face, it is recommended to clean and tone the skin with organic juniper hydrolat or organic blueberry in the case of bags under the eyes.


Rosa rubiginosa organic Coryllus avellana bio, bio Calophyllum inophyllum.
HE 5%: Pogostemon cablin bio, bio Cedrus atlantica Pistacia lentiscus Organic, Citrus limonum bio, organic helichrysum italicum.


SynerFluide fluidizersGypsum organic Certisys
White glass bottle presentation of 50 ml with a pump to dose.

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