Energy Aromatherapy - 1st torn page (upper right corner)

from Amyris
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This book gives us to see the vibratory side of 80 plants to better serve our health and general well-being.

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A bridge between aromatherapy and Ayurveda

This book, of great novelty, bridges aromatherapy (therapy with essential oils) and ayurveda millennium (holistic therapy method that focuses on prevention and health).

Considered by ancient civilizations as the soul and spirit of plants, essential oils are among the most precious substances that nature can offer us. They do not only have a healing effect on the physical body. They also have an effect on our hormonal system and affect our psycho-emotional and spiritual state, our senses, our subtle bodies and their energy centers that are the chakras.

There is also the biochemical point of view, energy aromatherapy is however more guided by the vibratory side of the plant and by its physical appearance : its shape, texture, smell, color and the part of the plant used to extract energy. 'Essential oil. Through all this, energy aromatherapy stimulates all our sensory organs, a true cornerstone in the balance of our doshas.

In this book, Lydia Bosson gives us a glimpse of this bridge between the soul of 80 plants and Ayurvedic principles to better serve our health and general well-being.

Lydia Bosson, an atypical aromatherapist, is co-founder of Usha Veda in Switzerland. For 10 years, she shares and transmits her knowledge in energy aromatherapy during training. It creates new perspectives in the field of personal development.

Lydia Bosson and Guénolée Dietz, Energy aromatherapy, healing with the soul of plants , Editions Amyris, "Les Singuliers" Collection, 296 pages, 19,5x22 cm
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